Gun Lake Casino Resort
Check Cashing & Credit

Securing a Line of Credit at Gun Lake Casino Resort

  • Quick and easy way to obtain funds
  • FREE enrollment
  • No fee per transaction
  • No interest
  • No penalty for unused credit

A Check Cashing or Credit Account with Gun Lake Casino Resort allows Guests to take out a “Marker” or cash a check. “Markers” are a portion of the credit line that are “withdrawn” by the Guest while playing. A Marker will be automatically deposited (taken from the Guest’s bank account) fourteen (14) days after it’s taken by the Guest, unless the Guest chooses to pay ahead of time at the Casino.

A Check Cashing Limit allows Guests to write checks against a pre-established limit, based on that Guest’s gaming history, credit and check cashing worthiness. Two (2) days after a check is written, it will be presented for payment to the financial institution (taken from the Guest’s bank account).

After the Marker is deposited, there is a nine-day (9) lead time before that credit is available to be used by the Guest again.


How to Apply for a Credit Line

You can apply for a line of credit using the link below. When complete, hit Submit. Please make sure you provide the following documents in order to have your line of credit approved:

  • Valid driver’s license or photo ID
  • Social Security Card or W9 filed
  • Copy of a voided check from Guest’s personal checking account

Start Your Credit Application 

When your application is complete, please return it in person or fax it to 269-792-7719.

For questions, please call us at 269-792-7547.

Once you arrive at Gun Lake Casino Resort, stop by the Casino Cage with the three documents listed above and we will review your application with you personally. Two (2) forms of identification are required at such time: state-issued (driver’s license or tribal or state identification card) or passport and a major credit card, along with a voided blank check. No starter checks. Joint accounts are not permitted. Please note, the approval process may take 2-3 days.

Start Your Credit Application